
          My love for innovative and immersive storytelling began in the theatre. I have 4+ years of theatre experience, mostly as a scenic designer and stage manager.  I have worked on solo projects, such as a reinvention of Molière’s Tartuffe as an aquatic spectacular, and have also worked with various creative teams on and off the stage. I have experience in stage management, show production, set design and writing. To the left are some of the sets I have helped design and dress.

           I look forward to utilizing the creative and management skills I have gained from theatre in a themed entertainment design landscape. 

Check out some of my Set Design elevation work here




I had the best time interning for the Delusion team as they put on their sixth interactive theatre masterpiece, The Blue Blade.

As an intern under the Producer, my tasks have been as normal as managing tickets and as crazy as making sure a 7 foot tall glowing walking figure does not overheat. I guess you could say somewhere in my job description is “time traveler” as well…

Working for this interactive experience has taught me a lot about what the role of a producer is, what is expected of them and what they must often do to keep things on track. I have also learned a bunch about attraction design simply from observing the way in which guests interact with the space and the story every night, and by analyzing what elements are the ones that really get them to say “Wow, that was awesome!”
